Lansing: 517-887-1100  Grand Haven: 616-743-7070

Contact Information:

Engineer:  Eng., Inc.
Field Engineer: Todd Myers, PE 
(616) 743-7070
Project Manager: Ryan C. McEnhill, PE 
(616) 743-7070
Contractor: Jackson-Merkey Contractors
Contact: Patrick Jackson (231) 670-2740

Owner:  City of Muskegon Department of 
Public Works
Leo Evans, PE (231) 724-6920

Week 11

Week of October 26:

The sanitary sewer work has been completed in Yuba Street with the connection to the existing trunk sewer in Spring Street being made early in the week.  The installation required very deep cuts of 15-20 feet below grade.  The sewer flow that originally continued down Spring Street has now successfully been re-routed down Yuba Street.  The crews turned their attention to rebuilding the roadway the remainder of the week.



Upcoming Week of November 2:

Crews will continue to fine grade the roadway and place aggregate base course in preparations for concrete curb and gutter and asphalt pavement which is expected in mid-November.

As there is still considerable work left to be completed on Spring Street and the construction season is closing in, the project team has made the decision to postpone the remainder of the work on Spring Street from Muskegon Avenue to Western Avenue until the Spring of 2021 to ensure that work can be completed in adequate weather conditions.  At this time, the plan is to leave the surcharge material in place on Spring Street between Pine and Clay for the winter and will continue to be closed to thru traffic.  However, the intersection of Clay Street and Spring Street will be re-opened to allow easy access to United Way.

Week 10

Week of October 19:

Utility construction on Yuba Street continues.  The 27-inch sanitary sewer is being installed towards Spring Street where the connection to the existing trunk sewer will take place allowing sewerage flow to be re-routed through the new sanitary sewer.  Storm sewer and water main main improvements are also being done concurrently on Yuba Street.




Upcoming Week of October 26:

Sanitary sewer construction is expected to be fully complete on Yuba Street and crews will turn their attention to rebuilding the roadway.  Aggregate base material will be placed above the sand subbase with curb and gutter being extended throughout the project limits prior to asphalt paving.

Week 9

Week of October 12:

Construction on Yuba Street continues as crews place 27-inch sanitary sewer towards Spring Street at depths of up to 20-feet below existing grade.  A planned relocation of the 16-inch water main at Cedar Street across the existing 48-inch storm sewer was completed and the main  is currently undergoing testing prior to connection to the existing main.  Crews also started placement of storm sewer in several locations as utility work on Yuba is nearing completion.






Many have noticed the large sand deposits on Spring Street which add weight to the roadway with the intention of providing advanced settlement.  We have started to see the intended settlement of the roadway on Spring Street with readings indicating approximately 2-inches of settlement thus far.  The design for this area was to achieve 3-inches of settlement and coupled with utilizing lightweight aggregate (following removal of the surcharge) would provide for a prolonged life of the roadway that currently sits on 40 to 50 feet of sawdust.

Upcoming Week of October 19:

Utility work should be completed this week on Yuba Street pending the weather conditions.  JMC will begin preparing the roadway for concrete curb and gutter, aggregate base, and asphalt paving.

A crew will tentatively start sanitary sewer and water main work on Spring Street (Yuba to Western) beginning the week of October 26.

Week 8

Week of October 5:

Restoration continued on Pine Street, Western Avenue, and the cross lot parking lot between Pine & Terrace.  Concrete work including flat work and curb and gutter was completed the previous weekend.  The roadways and parking lots received aggregate base course and were fine graded in preparation of asphalt base course and top course.  The roadways were open to traffic on Monday, October 12.  The crew will continue with final lawn restoration, minor concrete work, and pavement markings with the roadway open to traffic.


The crew on Yuba Street continued with 27-inch sanitary sewer construction.  Groundwater was persistent in the location of Cedar Street which reduced productivity, along with the crossing of a large diameter storm sewer and a planned water main relocation.  Additional well points were placed to assist with dewatering as crews continued to place the sewer towards Spring Street.


Fair Street was also opened to traffic following top course paving on Saturday as required for the Bourdon-Addison alley sewer replacement.

Upcoming the Week of October 12:

Crews on Yuba Street will continue with sanitary sewer as well as water main and storm sewer.  The water main relocation at Cedar Street will be done this week, tested, and placed back into operation towards the end of the week.  Once the underground utility work is completed, attention will shift to re-building the roadway with concrete curb and gutter, aggregate base, and asphalt paving.  We anticipate Yuba Street will be closed for approximately 3 more weeks.

Pine Street and Western Avenue will remain open to traffic although crews will be in the area conducting restoration and cleanup items.

Week 7

Week of September 28:

Progress continued despite a very rainy week.  The crew on Yuba Street continued to place 27-inch sanitary sewer from the Murphy Street intersection to Cedar Street.  Manhole structures were placed along the route of the sanitary sewer.  The crew reached the Murphy Street intersection by the end of the week and prepared for the 16-inch water main relocation that is required at this location.  Yuba Street will remained closed to thru traffic while this work continues.


The crew at Pine and Western finished placement of the 8-inch sanitary sewer in the parking lot (Cheese Lady) between Pine and Terrace and connected all service laterals to the new main.  The crew focused on restoration the remainder of the work in preparations for concrete and asphalt paving.  The concrete crew was on site early Saturday morning and placed curb and gutter, sidewalk, ADA ramps, and driveway approaches.  The roadway will likely be closed to thru traffic for another week and a half until top course paving is complete.


We have been monitoring the surcharging of Spring Street over the last two weeks and have seen approximately 0.13′ of settlement at one of the testing locations with minimal settlement at the remaining two.  We will continue to monitor that settlement over the next couple weeks to ensure we are getting an adequate amount of settlement to provide for a durable and lasting roadway.

Upcoming Week of October 5, 2020:

Water disruptions are anticipated for a few customers (who have been notified) near Yuba and Murphy Street at the beginning of the week as crews from JMC construct new 16-inch water main and prepare for pressure and bacterial testing.  The disruption may extend for a period of 3-days.  The crews will continue with sanitary and storm sewer construction in Yuba Street.

The base course of paving at Pine and Western is anticipated to be completed by Wednesday.  The top course paving at Fair Avenue will also be completed at this time and the re-opening of the roadway (Fair) will occur following that work.

Week 6

Week of 9/21/2020:

Crews from JMC are moving swiftly on several elements of the project.  The sanitary sewer meter configuration upgrade was completed at the County’s C-Station.  The crew moved operations to Yuba Street where they continued with sanitary sewer and storm sewer improvements.  Work was completed near the Old Farmers Market to make the sewer connection at Murphy Street.  Yuba Street will be closed to thru traffic for approximately 5-weeks.

The restoration of Muskegon Avenue and also Fair Avenue (Bourdon-Addison Alley Sewer) that was necessary to accommodate the sanitary sewer installation received concrete curb and gutter and the base course of asphalt pavement by the end of the week.  We anticipate Muskegon Avenue being open to traffic by Monday afternoon.

The sanitary sewer installation in the Pine Street, Western Avenue, and parking lot area of several businesses between Pine Street and Terrace Street was also completed this week with a second crew and restoration efforts to restore the roadway and parking lot are underway.

We continue to monitor the surcharge being undertaken on Spring Street to for settlement.  Once we receive the intended settlement depth (which may take 4-8 weeks) crews will remove the soil overburden and begin construction on Spring Street.



Work Anticipated the Week of 9/28/2020:

Muskegon Avenue will receive the top course of asphalt pavement and the roadway will be opened to traffic early Monday afternoon.  Crews will continue sanitary sewer and storm sewer improvements on Yuba Street.  Restoration will continue on Pine Street, Western Avenue, and the adjacent parking lot.

Week 5

Week of 9/14/20:

Work resumed at the County Pump Station to replace the meter configuration for the new sanitary sewer.  Work is being done adjacent to Shoreline Drive and should take all week to complete.  No impacts to traffic patterns were necessary to complete this work.

A second crew began work on Pine Street and Western Avenue to construct new sanitary sewer at this location.  Removal of the existing pavement, de-watering operations, and preparation work for the installation of the sanitary sewer were completed this week.



Work Anticipated the Week of 9/21/20:

The work to replace the meter configuration at C-Station along Shoreline Drive should be completed and the crew will move to Yuba Street to continue placement of the 27-inch sanitary sewer.

The sanitary sewer on Pine Street and extending southerly across the parking lot of the Cheese Lady to Terrace Street should also be completed.

The curb and gutter replacement and asphalt paving on Muskegon Avenue (Moses J. Jones Parkway) to restore the roadway will also be completed.

Week 4 Update

Week of September 7:

Work ramped up in several locations this week with crews working in several different locations.  A crew continued to place 30-inch sanitary sewer across Muskegon Avenue (Moses J. Jones Parkway) and Ryerson Creek as the work extends to Yuba Street.  The pavement was milled and removed from Yuba Street in preparation for utility and roadway reconstruction.  Sand material was placed approximately 6-feet high on Spring Street between Clay and Webster in an effort to surcharge that location with additional weight to encourage settlement due to poor soils, consisting of approximately 40 to 50 feet of sawdust and organic material.   The surcharge will be monitored for settlement and stay in place for approximately 6 to 8 weeks.  The surcharge technique along with roadway reconstruction utilizing lightweight aggregate base will allow a much longer pavement lifespan.

In a separate location near Ruddiman Creek and McGraft Park in the alley-way between Bourdon Street and Addison Street crews began replacement of the 8-inch sanitary sewer that was in extremely poor condition.  Work moved along swiftly beginning Wednesday as crews made good progress with the replacement.

30-inch sanitary sewer construction across Muskegon Avenue and Ryerson Creek:


Pavement milling on Yuba Street and Surcharging on Spring Street:


8-inch sanitary sewer replacement in the Bourdon and Addison Street alley:


Week of September 14:

Expect the closure of Muskegon Avenue (north of Spring Street) to extend for at least the remaining part of this week.  Yuba Street will be closed for approximately 8-weeks.  Spring Street between Webster and Clay Avenue will be closed to thru traffic for an extended period of time.

Sanitary sewer construction will continue on Yuba Street.  The work in the Bourdon-Addison alley is expected to be substantially complete by the end of the week.  Sanitary sewer work will begin in Pine Street at Western Avenue beginning on Wednesday which will have short term traffic impacts on Western Avenue and Pine Streets.  The sanitary sewer replacement will extend southerly through the parking lot at the rear of the Port City Group, First General Credit Union to the Cheese Lady parking lot.

Week 3

Week of August 31

The Contractor extended 30-inch sanitary sewer across the NB lanes of Shoreline Drive and quickly rebuilt the roadway in preparation for concrete curb and gutter and asphalt paving.  The concrete curb and gutter was placed on Wednesday.  Thursday morning the base course of asphalt was placed with the leveling course placed in the afternoon.  The top course of paving was placed on Friday morning and the roadway was opened to traffic shortly after noon for the long Labor Day weekend.  We thank the Contractor for moving swiftly to get the roadway opened up for the holiday weekend!


Week of September 7

The Contractor will continue to move easterly towards Yuba Street with 30-inch PVC storm sewer.  Muskegon Avenue (Moses J. Jones Parkway) and Yuba Street will be closed for the roadway crossing and utility work beginning Tuesday morning.  Muskegon Avenue will be closed to through traffic for approximately a week and half and Yuba Street will have an extended closure for sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, and roadway reconstruction work.