Lansing: 517-887-1100  Grand Haven: 616-743-7070

Week 23

Week 23 Update:

The Contractor began the week continuing to remove the existing concrete box sewer.  Following that work, the 16-inch water main was extended up Spring Street towards Muskegon Avenue, including intersection work to extend the water main extensions at the intersections of Webster and Muskegon Avenue.  The crews also worked in some of the final storm sewer construction in Webster Avenue.

The utility work is getting close to completion as they perform final water main testing, connections, and complete the remaining storm sewer construction in Webster and Muskegon Avenue.


Above:  Removal of the ex. concrete box sewer and placing 16-inch water main.


Above:  Placement of the new 16-inch water main.


Above:  Continuing placement of the 16-inch water main.


Above:  Storm sewer construction on Webster Avenue south of Spring Street.

Upcoming the week of May 17:

JMC will look to finish up the remaining water main work and begin pressure testing, chlorination, and bacterial testing.  The remaining storm sewer work will also be finished up and the project can turn to building the roadway, including aggregate base course, curb and gutter, sidewalks, driveway approaches, and asphalt top course.