Lansing: 517-887-1100  Grand Haven: 616-743-7070

Week 25

Week 25 Update:

The crew spent the early part of the week addressing the 16-inch water main which was not passing pressure tests. The Contractor was able to determine the compromised locations and made those necessary adjustments. The water main successfully passed the pressure testing and was chlorinated and sampled Thursday and Friday.  Storm sewer manholes, catch basins and pipe were installed at the Webster Ave and Muskegon Ave. intersections.

Overnight rains during the week caused some issues and dewatering efforts took place to clean up the site and provide a workable construction area to run equipment and resume operations.


Above:  Result of rain event.  Storm sewer construction at Spring Street near Yuba Street.


Above:  Storm sewer construction at Spring Street near Muskegon Avenue and Yuba Street.


Above:  Storm sewer construction at Spring Street near Muskegon Avenue.


Above:  Storm sewer construction at Spring Street at Webster Avenue.

Upcoming the Week of May 31st:

Contractor intends to complete all of the remaining storm sewer construction and then make the final water main connections in several different locations.  Utility work is nearing its completion and the focus can turn to re-building the roadway!

Good News:  The project will now include resurfacing of Yuba Street from Eastern Avenue and extending up the hill to near Giddings Avenue.  This work is heavily anticipated and appreciated from local residents and should get started in the next few weeks as well.